Thursday, May 15, 2008


Rambling thoughts of things..
I started this blog in response to another blog. I was so angry after reading it. Interesting what motivates me. I think it was the disillusionment at finding out medical personnel were human. I think I was still looking for help and now I see that just isn't going to happen. I have had so many tests done and I don't want to do that anymore. I will have to do my own research and figure out this on my own. Hm, wonder where I can get a lab to run tests? I guess I will have to learn to draw my own blood. After all, I wouldn't want to trouble anyone else. This is so ridiculus.
Seriously ridiculus.


Evil Transport Lady said...

Maybe you should stop reading other blogs. If I don't like a blog I just click out of it. End of.

Savage Henry said...

You know what, busymom? I have a plan for you.

1. Stop thinking of yourself as a victim.

2. Stop thinking of fibromyalgia as part of your personal identity.

3. Stop expecting sympathy and respect from people because of ANY medical condition you have. Respect is something that is earned. No one cares what is written in your chart. People care about how you act and what you say.

4. Spend some time being brutally honest with yourself about this diagnosis. Do you want the symptoms to end, or do you want an excuse to act a certain way?

5. Go read accounts written by other people who have triumphed over disease. Try and adopt some of their attitudes. Incorporate the way Lance Armstrong thinks about cancer into the way you think about fibromyalgia.

If you really want to get better, it will be easy to find a doc who will help you. Based on what you have written, it seems like you aren't approaching this situation like someone who wants to get better. You seem like someone who is craving attention, excuses, and sympathy.

Future Doc said...

Grow up. This is a sad attempt to tarnish someone else. If you had a structured argument against MonkeyGirl then fair enough, but It's just ramblings.

Maybe you should think about what you type next time.

Busymom345 said...

1. I don't think of myself as a victim. I have come a long ways with my coping skills. Shit happens, I'm sick, so what. That wasn't the point of my post.

2.I have fibromyalgia, it doesn't have me. I continue to go to work and do the things I enjoy. I simply pay for it later.

3. I am not expecting sympathy, I am expecting help. I have all the respect I want and deserve from my coworkers and my family and friends. I don't need you to respect me personally. I need respect as a patient when I walk into the room.
I am in the healthcare field. I do know doctors are biased due to what is in the chart.

4. I want the symptoms to end and I want to know what caused them.

5. Ok, I will. I can always use more coping skills.

I have a very busy life. I am not craving attention. I am happy in my life.

I have said your very words to other people with fibromyalgia. I always felt I had a good handle on my flares. I kind of know my triggers and budget for them. It is interesting that you see me this way, I don't see myself in that manner.

And I will think about what I write next time, thank you. I wrote all that in anger and I probably should have waited until I cooled down.

As far as finding a doctor goes:

A. Most GP's refer fibro patient's to the Rheumatologists.
B. Most Rheumatologists don't want to see you unless you have something that they can actually treat. They refer you to pain clinics.
C. I have never been to a pain clinic. It is my understanding from friends accounts that they simply hand out drugs. That isn't what I am interested in.

I really want to know what causes this. I would love if you post research websites that can help me with that. I will read, maybe not understand it all right away, but I will read all the information I can get.
I know that somehow the body is stimulated into flight or fight, but why it doesn't come out of that is a mystery. I know this is a matter of body chemistry, and I want to study more about it.

Unknown said...

Pain clinics are not drug dispensers. They actually help you to find other ways of coping with your pain. Most people just use them as drug dispensers because they don't want to do the work. Nver rule any opton out when dealing with your health. Especially on second hand information.

Mom In Scrubs said...

Unfortunately understanding what causes something is often an unattainable goal. I have Crohn's Disease. No one knows what causes it. No one knows how to cure it. Symptom management is the goal, and treatments are directed toward that. It's the same with many many autoimmune diseases.

Instead of focusing on why, I suggest you focus on symptom management. Pain clinics are fantastic institutions, and alternatives to medications are a huge goal. Go. You'll be glad you did.

Ninja Pharmer said...

Regarding pain clinics, you said: "It is my understanding from friends accounts that they simply hand out drugs"

Regarding fibromyalgia, I say:
It's my understanding from personal experience and hearing other medical professionals talk that lots and lots of people with fibromyalgia are nothing more than drug seeking junkies.

Can you see how it's all about perception? You really showed your uneducated bias here - you seem to want people to understand what you're going through and educate themselves about your 'disease', yet you go around making uneducated, misinformed statements about pain clinics.

"Hello, Pot? Yeah, this is the kettle. I'm calling to let you know that you're black..."

foxymoron said...

You are depressed, or have some other psych issue that you refuse to acknowledge. You want a "disease" so you can say it's not your fault. People like yourself have worn down doctors over the years with their incessant whining and complaining, and yes some Drs want the easy way out. Voila! Fake disease to the rescue. Depression is a disease, you can get help - but first you have to be a big girl and admit you have a problem. Then you have to really REALLY want to get better and stop being a drain on society and the healthcare providers in your area. You can do it! I have faith in you!

Busymom345 said...

Oh, I see. DEPRESSION is what makes me not be able to climb the stairs, it causes my joints to ache, it causes me to fall down, it causes me to forget where I am, (Yes, I can be standing in the middle of Safeway and not know where I am.), DEPRESSION is what makes my muscles weak, it makes it hard to hold my arms up, it makes it difficult to walk because of the pain in my hips, back, legs, ankles and feet. It is the reason I am freezing cold in 80 degree weather one day and so hot I have to stand in the shower the next day even though the temperature is the same? I am so glad you cleared all that up, cuz I was attributing that to something else entirely.
I know what the medical community uses fibromyalgia for. I am not stupid. Fibromyalgia is the "I don't know" diagnosis. That is not good enough for me.

What I want, is for you to not look at the diagnosis of fibro in my chart and be biased about how I get treatment in your facility.
That is all I am asking for. Is that so difficult?

As for the person who said that I was being biased about pain clinics, you are absolutly right, I will look into one in my area and form my own opinion.
Sorry it took me so long to respond, things are crazy right now. :)

Anonymous said...

You may already know about this...but research Celiac disease. It actually could be a root cause. But the tricky part is getting diagnosed, the medical community really has not caught up to other countries and testing is still unreliable. Diagnosed or not, a gluten free diet may help relieve your symptoms. It helped my mom. Just a thought for you, take care.